Friday, June 20, 2008

My Tour Guides

I have been escorted to the top of Cafesian Museum with all of its incredible sunset views by my closest hosts and friends, Dr. Gevork Yaghjyan and Dr. Ara Nazaryan from the Plastic Surgery Department of YSMU. They are as dedicated, generous, and hospitable as busy surgeons can be (as a library liaison for surgery, we get along well). They are the visionaries for advancing the integration of library services and resources into the evolution of their institution. Dr. Yaghjan is the YSMU coordinator for FARFAA-Salzburg, as well as a busy clinician and residency administrator. FAR-FAA is a non-for-profit organization of medical professionals, aimed at improving the health care system of the community and advancing medical sciences in Armenia. FAR FAA was established in the end of 2000 in Armenia by the doctors, who previously participated in the training programs at major medical centers in the USA under the patronage of the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) from 1990 till 1998. The main objective of FAR FAA is to provide free medical care for people, who are unable to receive it from the State sources.

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